Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I do love the entire catalog of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I was hesitant at first of the It's Blitz! album but quickly grew on me when watching them play those songs live. I did want to toss in one of those classics that first coaxed me into loving the intense vocals of Karen O. But I have to admit that I do love blasting Zero with the windows rolled down more and more.

"Art Star" by Yeah Yeah Yeah

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sebastien Grainger

Death From Above 1979 might have passed but this will encourage you to belt out the chorus at the top of your lungs anyways.

"American Names" by Sebastien Grainger

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kings of Leon

Alright, I just have to post a Kings of Leon song because it's the greatest annoyance when all you hear is Sex on Fire and everyone and their mother goes nuts. I have an obsession with this band and they couldn't make anything that I didn't love, that is until now. I'm not saying I hate the most recent album but there is something the rest of their albums posses that is lacking in Only by the Night. Maybe they are just too popular now, but take a listen to this song from Youth and Young Manhood and compare.

"Red Morning Light" by Kings of Leon

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lykke Li

I'm extremely picky when it comes to female singers, sorry but it's true. Most of the stuff out there is pure radio pop shit. But once in a while someone comes along that is able to sound a bit askew and it's a huge relief. There's a very compelling characteristic about Lykke Li in both the her voice and how she carries herself. Check out the video as well, it's a great visual to go along with the song.

"Little Bit" by Lykke Li

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Deadly Syndrome

Per my previous post, it spawned the thought of this other great band, of which I was blessed to see both at the amazing Spaceland in Silver Lake. I would highly suggest checking out both bands.

"Eucalyptus" by The Deadly Syndrome

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Delta Spirit

One of the most refreshing and uplifting bands I've heard in quite some time. I thoroughly enjoy this song and you should too.

"People, Turn Around" by Delta Spirit

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Kills

One of the greatest guy/girl bands I have ever seen.

"Getting Down" by The Kills

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Besides possessing a name that makes you question a bands talent, the Suckers have brought forth a great EP that has had me going back to it over and over again. There is something epical about each song. Not too hard and not too soft but just right. I had a hard time picking which song I would feature but I went for, in my opinion, the "encore" song.

"It Gets Your Body Movin'" by Suckers

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Black Angels

It'll make you bob your head and do some fist pumping.

"Science Killer" by The Black Angels

Sunday, June 21, 2009


There's something so classic and serene about this song. It reminds me of that cliche European landscape that I have yet to see. Simple and perfect. It's old Beirut but it's a lovely timeless classic, especially if you are just discovering them for the first time.

"Postcards From Italy" by Beirut

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Handsome Furs

In my opinion Dan Boeckner has one of the greatest voices in music today. There's a sort of eeriness that makes you listen to each and every word like your life depended on it.

"Evangeline" by Handsome Furs

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Dead Weather

Toss in some of the most beloved musicians of today and what do you get?...The Dead Weather.

"Hang You From The Heavens" by The Dead Weather

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jay Reatard

Another song I've had on repeat for almost a year. It's quick, precise, and punches the shit out of your face...you're welcome.

"Hammer I Miss You" by Jay Reatard

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

LCD Soundsystem

This is one of those deep track songs you don't find until many years later purely because the album was playing and you just so happen to be paying attention and that right moment when you hear that hook. It might sound like just noise, and to most it might be, but something about this one grabbed me.

"Tired" by LCD Soundsystem

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Port O'Brien

Slow songs I love are few and far between. But when Find them you can be sure they are some of the most played tracks in my collection. I love this one because of the simplicity of both the lyrics and guitar melody.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Future Islands

If this song doesn't make you get up and dance with pure joy running down your face, I'm not quite sure what to tell you.

"Old Friend" by Future Islands

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm a huge fan of songs that have a certain garage/blues feel to them. The Eels have been around for quite some time and this song is quickly becoming my favorite of their collection. If you don't like the song... enjoy the beard.

"Fresh Blood" by Eels

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Ettes

There's something about the pure grit from this track that can't be denied. Hard guitar riffs and a female voice that cries power and a sort of "oldies" class. There is something to be said for vocals that can punch through and find the root and meaning behind a song.

"No Home" by The Ettes

Friday, June 12, 2009

Chad Vangaalen

This is one of those songs that hooked me from first listen and still tricks me into playing it on loop for several hours.

"Clinically Dead" by Chad Vangaalen

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Glass Candy

One of the few recent songs that insists you bob your head and pump your fist. Glass Candy completely makes you respect what has been placed upon your plate.

"Beatific" by Glass Candy