Thursday, December 10, 2009

Elvis Perkins

This one will make you tap...another kick ass band recommendation by dirty Adair.

"Doomsday" by Elvis Perkins

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Polyamorous Affair

Outta nowhere I just so happen to take a look at the lineup at The Echo... and bam, dope ass groves.

"Nightlife" by The Polyamorous Affair

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Future Islands

Love the band...but mostly the proposed album art designed by Ryan Adair, check out his site and blog.

"Pinnochio" by Future Islands

Friday, December 4, 2009

Bishop Allen

Another one of those slow jams that have been boiling on my speakers for the past couple of weeks. A lot of Bishop Allen's stuff has a wonderful indie quality about it... it's catchy and off-beat. Busted Heart is also another favorite off the Charm School album... who knows I'll probably post it tomorrow.

"Bishop Allen Drive" by Bishop Allen

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Brian Jonestown Massacre

I've been planning on diving into this bands extensive catalogue for years now but I guess you could say I haven't been in the mood. I ran across this little gem, that's getting me motivated, on pandora after I created a station for The Dutchess and The Duke. Bam that's one bad ass start. Listen a couple of times when your feeling confident and relaxed. Yeeeeeaaahhh baby.

"Feel So Good" by The Brian Jonestown Massacre

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Atlas Sounds

It's kinda catchy, in an ambient way. Shhheeeeeeeeeeeelliiiaaaaaa. I took me a while but I made it.

"Shelia" by Atlas Sounds