Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Drink Up Buttercup

Reminiscent of a little beatles, to me at least...a great toe tapper, wonderful and light. Don't be afraid to sing along.

"Young Ladies" by Drink Up Buttercup

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dan Black

This wouldn't normally be my cup of tea because I hate tea but it's catchy enough to be on repeat.

"Symphonies" by Dan Black

Monday, March 29, 2010


I've been loving this band for a while and finally got the album...there is something very experimental with the intangible sound that comes through. A sort of Animal Collective feel. I'm surprised I hadn't posted Black Rice a long time ago since it's been a constant favorite over the past 8 months. Two songs to give you a better feel...Lawncare, loud and in charge.

"Lawncare" by Women

"Black Rice" by Women

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Miike Snow

I took some pushing from a few friends to allow this one to grow on me.

"Animal" by Miike Snow

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Ettes

One of my first posts was of this band with a couple of chicks that can rock...Here's something from another one of their albums that's a little more smoother...but don't be mistaken they still kick balls.

"I Wanna Go Home" by The Ettes

Friday, March 26, 2010

Karen Elson

Simple and it well. With an eerie erotic goth sound that takes the pussy out of singer songwriter crap.

"The Ghost Who Walks" by Karen Elson

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

I was so excited for this album when I first heard about it. It doesn't disappoint delivering more powerful songs that'll make you twist your tits. Saw them live years back that put my doubts to rest as an "on the fence fan." Flipped out when I heard they'd be playing The Echoplex last week, considering the size of the venue, and watched with sheer awe the intensity of playing that would bring the prudish groupie to her knees. Sweet Feeling will remind you of the simplicity that many songs expressed in Howl while Beat the Devil's Tattoo speaks for itself. Fucking tits.

"Beat The Devil's Tattoo" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

"Sweet Feeling" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Henry Clay People

An amazing song...I've been lucky to see these guys a couple of times and they never disappoint. This is my favorite thus far and I highly recommend checking them out.

"Working Part Time" by The Henry Clay People

Monday, March 22, 2010

White Rabbits

Great pace...great beat...great song. This band does deliver a few solid songs on each of their albums.

"Percussion Gun" by White Rabbits

Sunday, March 21, 2010


This is another one of those bands that I've had for a while and needed to be in the mood to listen to. I finally got around to listening and enjoyed it, but this song seemed to stand out to me a bit more. There is a very unique sound and production to the entire album. You'll either love it or hate it.

"Military Madness" by Woods

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Yeah it's obviously up my alley...but it should be up everyone's. Great Actress/Musician plus a great producer.

"Trick Pony" by Charlotte Gainsbourg

Friday, March 19, 2010

Vampire Weekend

I love the guitar riff in this one. I'm still waiting for the day that Vampire Weekend becomes so annoying that I throw their shit out...until that day comes I'll simply enjoy another album...for the time being.

"Cousins" by Vampire Weekend

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Great new up-and-coming band. Was lucky to know someone who rides the rails with this band...definitely check out their ep and when the full length drops, dig that shit.

"Color of Sin" by Vanaprasta

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This whole album has an original sound that grabs influences from all over the spectrum...give it a listen and enjoy the flavor...besides you gotta love the name.

"Shitkicker" by Malachai

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cold War Kids

I'm not even really sure if this song is actually new even though it's on the new ep, who really ever knows with theses guys but something about is one makes you want to belt it out while your stomping your foot through your floorboards... but what's new, right? Lord have mercy on me!

"Sermons" by The Cold War Kids

Monday, March 15, 2010


One hell of a complete and utterly amazing jam...get that shit on repeat

"Odessa" by Caribou

The Black Belles

Couldn't wait on this one...More chicks ripping shit up!

"What Can I Do" by The Black Belles

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dan Auerbach

It's been a while...I get it.

Half of what is The Black Keys kicks out a great album with a little alternative flair to what we are use to hearing. I appreciate this one cause it's catchy in an uncheese dick way.

"My Last Mistake" by Dan Auerbach